Tell Me About: How You Help Your Students Support One Another

Student of the Week

At the beginning of the school year, every student in my 3rd grade class gets assigned five days when they will be the student of the week. They must create a poster about themselves at school or at home (I'm more than willing to lend necessary resources). Each poster is displayed in the classroom, where the students and I post compliments and questions for this student on sticky notes throughout the week. On Friday afternoon, the student of the week sits in my special chair and answers the questions. He or she gets to explain what it was like to be student of the week. This practice helps students get to know and appreciate one another and builds self-confidence. The students work diligently on their posters, writing compliments, and recording questions. Viewing each poster and listening to each of the students helps me get to know all students better on a personal and academic level.


—Todd Feltman, literacy achievement coach, New York City Department of Education, New York, New York